Test Optimization Transformation

We comprehend that building an extraordinary item require an incredible vision and solid designing. Anyway what makes an item extremely incredible is the way end client sees it and how clear is its quality offer

Testing is currently progressively being viewed as an intend to accomplish business congruity and end client fulfillment as opposed to a negligible cost focus. Anyway with detonating innovation scene and like never before weight on organizations to develop, ordinary testing setups are attempting to keep pace and CIOs are taking a gander at approaches to upgrade and change their testing groups to line up with their vital dreams.

Accutech's Test streamlining and change administrations settle unequivocally these necessities of ventures. We comprehend this issue like nobody else. Being accomplices to associations of all size – from startup to Fortune 500-we have been a piece of their hierarchical change at various stages. What's more, thus our change and enhancement administrations, however following an expansive system, are custom fitted to meet your special needs.

Our Test Transformation Services include the following

  • Test CoE Transformation: Studies by driving counseling firms have demonstrated that Test focus of greatness (CoE) can enable association to spare upto 30% of their testing cost while lessening the Business and Technology disappointment chances by upto 40%. We can enable you to change your current testing setup to a Test CoE and adjust your testing CoE to your business destinations. Using our settled administration structures, pre fabricate formats and demonstrated expertise administration philosophies, we have helped ISV and undertakings in India, USA and all inclusive increase huge business esteem by moving to a Test CoE display
  • Test PBE (Process-Budget-Effort) enhancement: on the off chance that you are attempting to contain the regularly expanding expense of testing your item without trading off on quality, our test Process, Budget and Effort (PBE) improvement administrations is only the correct answer for you. We fundamentally asses your current testing system and actualize an improvement program with a blend of Test mechanization, process changes and upgraded joint effort. We guarantee that advancement occurs without disturbing the business progression and with purchase in of all partners

Why Accutech for Your Test Optimization

  • Been there observed all – We have been a piece of Small and Large test Transformation programs in different limits and comprehend the prescribed procedures to take and traps to keep away from.
  • Pre characterized process system: Our change and enhancements structure comprise of pre characterized forms, test resources, ability up-degree projects and coordinated effort instruments that are basic elements of any change. These pre fabricate resources can undoubtedly be modified to address your issues.
  • Test Accelerators to streamline your testing : Our test quickening agents regularly catalyze the improvement exertion of groups helping them accomplish speedier advancement in less time.



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Performance & Scalability Manual image review techniques are limited by a fixed staffing model. Slow to Process, Scale, and Grow.

Cost Manual image review can be a significant cost driver for toll roads.

Barrier Mobile and GPS Tolling will require higher reliance on image based tolling and image review.